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診療と新薬 2021;58(10):705-719
越智博文 1),横山和正 2),佐藤弥生 3),佐藤竜介 3),牧岡大器 3),金明寿 3),山村隆 4)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):705-719
Safety and Effectiveness of Dimethyl Fumarate (Tecfidera®) in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Subgroup Analysis by Treatment History of Multiple Sclerosis from Interim Report of Postmarketing Surveillance in Japan
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):705-719
越智博文 1),横山和正 2),佐藤弥生 3),佐藤竜介 3),牧岡大器 3),金明寿 3),山村隆 4)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):705-719
Safety and Effectiveness of Dimethyl Fumarate (Tecfidera®) in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Subgroup Analysis by Treatment History of Multiple Sclerosis from Interim Report of Postmarketing Surveillance in Japan
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):705-719
越智博文 1),横山和正 2),佐藤弥生 3),佐藤竜介 3),牧岡大器 3),金明寿 3),山村隆 4)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):705-719
Safety and Effectiveness of Dimethyl Fumarate (Tecfidera®) in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Subgroup Analysis by Treatment History of Multiple Sclerosis from Interim Report of Postmarketing Surveillance in Japan
[Background]Dimethyl fumarate (DMF) is an oral medication for multiple sclerosis (MS), which was approved for use in Japan in 2016; it can be used to treat patients without a treatment history of other MS drugs. The safety and efficacy of DMF have been reported in pre-approval clinical trials both in and outside Japan and in real-world clinical studies mainly in Europe and the United States, however, data in Japanese patients in real-world clinical practice are insufficient.
[Objectives]Using data from an interim analysis of postmarketing surveillance aimed to assess the safety and effectiveness of DMF in clinical practice in Japan, we report the results of the subgroup analysis of patients stratified by MS treatment history.
[Methods]The postmarketing surveillance is ongoing and all patients treated with DMF in Japan are enrolled. The present interim analysis includes data from February 2017 to March 2020. Safety endpoints included adverse events (AEs), serious AEs, lymphocyte count decreased, and white blood cell count decreased. Effectiveness endpoints included the annualized relapse rate (ARR), the mean change in expanded disability status scale (EDSS) score, and the proportion of patients with improvement, maintenance, or progression of physical disability for ≥3 months.
[Results]The safety analysis and effectiveness analysis included 1253 and 1241 patients, respectively, of whom 346 and 338 patients had no history of MS treatment. The median duration of DMF treatment was 364.0 days. AEs were reported in 866 patients (69.1%), 226 patients (65.3%) and 640 patients (70.6%) in the overall population, and in subgroups of patients without treatment history (MS treatment-naïve group) and with a treatment history (prior MS-treated group), respectively. Serious AEs were reported in 116 patients (9.3%), 28 patients (8.1%) and 88 patients (9.7%) in the overall population, the MS treatment-naïve group and the prior MS-treated group, respectively. Types of AEs in each group were similar to those reported in the overall population. Lymphocyte counts were maintained above the lower limit of normal (1000/mm3) in ≥60% of patients in all groups. ARR was significantly lower in the year after treatment start compared to the year before treatment start in all groups (p<0.0001). Progression of physical disability as assessed by EDSS score at 12 months after treatment start was "maintained" or "improved" in ≥90% in all groups.
[Conclusions]The obtained safety and effectiveness data were similar to those previously reported for the overall population. No new safety concern was observed. Since this is an interim report, further investigation is necessary for the final evaluation of safety and effectiveness in this survey.
Key word: dimethyl fumarate; multiple sclerosis; postmarketing surveillance; Tecfidera; treatment naïve
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):705-719
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):705-719
Safety and Effectiveness of Dimethyl Fumarate (Tecfidera®) in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Subgroup Analysis by Treatment History of Multiple Sclerosis from Interim Report of Postmarketing Surveillance in Japan
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診療と新薬 2021;58(10):721-732
原田昭子 1),生島一平 2),原中美環 3),栁原亜紀 4),中山大輔 5)
1)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部臨床薬物動態部,2)医療法人相生会 墨田病院,3)医療法人相生会 博多クリニック,4)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部クリニカルオペレーションズジャパン,5)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部プライマリーケアメディシン
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):721-732
Bioequivalence of a Newly Developed Dabigatran Etexilate Tablet Versus the Commercial Capsule and Impact of Rabeprazole-Induced Elevated Gastric pH on Exposure in Healthy Subjects (Secondary Publication)
1)Clinical PK/PD Department, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.,2)SOUSEIKAI Sumida Hospital,3)SOUSEIKAI Hakata Clinic,4)Clinical Operations Japan, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.,5)Primary Care Medicine, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):721-732
原田昭子 1),生島一平 2),原中美環 3),栁原亜紀 4),中山大輔 5)
1)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部臨床薬物動態部,2)医療法人相生会 墨田病院,3)医療法人相生会 博多クリニック,4)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部クリニカルオペレーションズジャパン,5)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部プライマリーケアメディシン
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):721-732
Bioequivalence of a Newly Developed Dabigatran Etexilate Tablet Versus the Commercial Capsule and Impact of Rabeprazole-Induced Elevated Gastric pH on Exposure in Healthy Subjects (Secondary Publication)
1)Clinical PK/PD Department, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.,2)SOUSEIKAI Sumida Hospital,3)SOUSEIKAI Hakata Clinic,4)Clinical Operations Japan, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.,5)Primary Care Medicine, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.
抗凝固薬ダビガトランエテキシラート(DE)市販カプセル剤は,酸性環境を維持する工夫した製剤処方で吸収が最大化され,その有効性と安全性はプロトンポンプ阻害薬(PPI)併用の有無に影響されない。今回,シンプルな製法の新規DE錠剤とカプセル剤の生物学的同等性(BE)試験と,胃内pH上昇の曝露への影響を検討するDE錠剤のバイオアベイラビリティ(BA)試験を行った。その結果AUC 0-tzとCmaxは,BE試験では基準内であったが,相対的BA試験のPPI前投与下では約70%低下した。以上よりDE錠剤とカプセル剤のBEは示されたが,胃内pH上昇時はBA低下によりDE錠剤の有効性が下がる可能性が示され,標準的なBEに加え胃内pH上昇時の相対的BA評価は重要と考えられた。
(本論文はAm J Cardiovasc Drugs(2020)20⑶:249-258 に出版された論文を翻訳した二次出版である。)
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):721-732
原田昭子 1),生島一平 2),原中美環 3),栁原亜紀 4),中山大輔 5)
1)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部臨床薬物動態部,2)医療法人相生会 墨田病院,3)医療法人相生会 博多クリニック,4)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部クリニカルオペレーションズジャパン,5)日本ベーリンガーインゲルハイム株式会社 医薬開発本部プライマリーケアメディシン
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):721-732
Bioequivalence of a Newly Developed Dabigatran Etexilate Tablet Versus the Commercial Capsule and Impact of Rabeprazole-Induced Elevated Gastric pH on Exposure in Healthy Subjects (Secondary Publication)
1)Clinical PK/PD Department, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.,2)SOUSEIKAI Sumida Hospital,3)SOUSEIKAI Hakata Clinic,4)Clinical Operations Japan, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.,5)Primary Care Medicine, Medicine Division, Nippon Boehringer Ingelheim Co., Ltd.
The commercially available anticoagulant dabigatran etexilate (DE) capsule is a pharmaceutical formulation designed to maintain the acidic microenvironment to maximize the absorption of DE, and its efficacy and safety are not affected by the concomitant use of proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs). The bioequivalence (BE) of the novel simplified DE tablet versus the DE capsule was investigated in the BE study (NCT03070171) and the bioavailability (BA) of the DE tablet under PPI pretreatment was assessed in the BA study (NCT03143166) to determine the effect of exposure to elevated gastric pH. The area under the concentration-time curve from baseline to the last quantifiable data point (AUC 0-tz) and maximum plasma concentration (C max) in the BE study were within the range of BE criteria, but these parameters decreased by approximately 70% when the tablet was administered under PPI pretreatment in the relative BA study. The results demonstrate the BE of the DE tablet and capsule and suggest that the efficacy of the DE tablet might be reduced by decreased BA at high gastric pH. These findings indicate the importance of examining not only BE under standard conditions but also relative BA at elevated gastric pH.
[This article is a secondary publication of the article published in Am J Cardiovasc Drugs (2020)20(3): 249-258, translated into Japanese.]
Key words: generic drug; adding new formulation; bioequivalence; dabigatran; bioavailability; pH
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):721-732
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):721-732
Bioequivalence of a Newly Developed Dabigatran Etexilate Tablet Versus the Commercial Capsule and Impact of Rabeprazole-Induced Elevated Gastric pH on Exposure in Healthy Subjects (Secondary Publication)
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診療と新薬 2021;58(10):733-742
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):733-742
3 Pediatric Patients Who Improved Their Epileptic Seizures and Sleep Disorders and Improved Their Quality of Life After Administration of Perampanel
Shin OKAZAKI,Naoki YAMADA,Shizuka NAGASE,Keisuke OKI,Megumi NUKUI,Takeshi INOUE,Ichiro KUKI,Hisashi KAWAWAKI
Department of Pediatric Neurology, Osaka City General Hospital
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):733-742
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):733-742
3 Pediatric Patients Who Improved Their Epileptic Seizures and Sleep Disorders and Improved Their Quality of Life After Administration of Perampanel
Shin OKAZAKI,Naoki YAMADA,Shizuka NAGASE,Keisuke OKI,Megumi NUKUI,Takeshi INOUE,Ichiro KUKI,Hisashi KAWAWAKI
Department of Pediatric Neurology, Osaka City General Hospital
キーワード:ペランパネル(Perampanel),てんかん(epilepsy),小児(pediatric),睡眠障害(sleep disorders),生活の質(quality of life)
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):733-742
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):733-742
3 Pediatric Patients Who Improved Their Epileptic Seizures and Sleep Disorders and Improved Their Quality of Life After Administration of Perampanel
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診療と新薬 2021;58(10):743-745
DPP-4阻害剤から経口GLP-1製剤セマグルチド3 mgの週1回投与へ切り替え良好な血糖管理を得た2型糖尿病の2症例
西条中央病院 糖尿病内科 健康管理センター長
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):743-745
Two Cases of Type 2 Diabetes Switch from DPP-4 Inhibitor to Oral Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) Receptor Agonist, Semaglutide, 3 mg Once-a-week Administration Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control
Department of Diabetology and Health Care Centre Administrator, Saijo Central Hospital
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):743-745
DPP-4阻害剤から経口GLP-1製剤セマグルチド3 mgの週1回投与へ切り替え良好な血糖管理を得た2型糖尿病の2症例
西条中央病院 糖尿病内科 健康管理センター長
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):743-745
Two Cases of Type 2 Diabetes Switch from DPP-4 Inhibitor to Oral Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) Receptor Agonist, Semaglutide, 3 mg Once-a-week Administration Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control
Department of Diabetology and Health Care Centre Administrator, Saijo Central Hospital
2型糖尿病の治療剤でインクレチン製剤のうち,DPP-4(dipeptidyl peptidase-4)阻害剤が今日多用されている一方,GLP-1(glucagon-like peptide-1)作用薬は皮下注射製剤のため使用頻度は圧倒的に低いのが現状である。今回DPP-4阻害剤から経口GLP-1製剤セマグルチド3 mg週1回投与へ切り替え,良好な血糖管理を得た2症例を経験した。今後,両製剤の作用機序の差を考慮すると,皮膚症状等の副反応がより少ないことが期待できるセマグルチド3 mg週1回投与は,有効な選択肢となる可能性がある。
キーワード:2型糖尿病,経口GLP-1製剤,セマグルチド3 mg週1回投与,皮膚症状
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):743-745
DPP-4阻害剤から経口GLP-1製剤セマグルチド3 mgの週1回投与へ切り替え良好な血糖管理を得た2型糖尿病の2症例
西条中央病院 糖尿病内科 健康管理センター長
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):743-745
Two Cases of Type 2 Diabetes Switch from DPP-4 Inhibitor to Oral Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) Receptor Agonist, Semaglutide, 3 mg Once-a-week Administration Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control
Department of Diabetology and Health Care Centre Administrator, Saijo Central Hospital
Lots of type 2 diabetes patients are prescribed DPP-4inhibitor in Japan. We experience 2 diabetes cases that switch from DPP-4 inhibitor to oral glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, Semaglutide, 3 mg once-a-week administration showed improvement of glycemic control. The DPP-4 inhibitor acts the elevations of intrinsic GLP-1, bradykinin and so on substrates and has variety dermal problems including bullous pemphigoid. Considering the difference in the mechanism of action of both drugs, once-weekly administration of Semaglutide 3 mg, which is expected to have fewer side reactions, may be an effective option.
COI (conflicts of interest) are none.
Key words: type 2 diabetes, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists p.o., Semaglutide, 3 mg once a week administration, dermal problems
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):743-745
DPP-4阻害剤から経口GLP-1製剤セマグルチド3 mgの週1回投与へ切り替え良好な血糖管理を得た2型糖尿病の2症例
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):743-745
Two Cases of Type 2 Diabetes Switch from DPP-4 Inhibitor to Oral Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) Receptor Agonist, Semaglutide, 3 mg Once-a-week Administration Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control
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診療と新薬 2021;58(10):747-756
金子剛 1),宮田晃史 2),上山永生 3)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):747-756
Takeshi KANEKO 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2),Hisao UEYAMA 3)
1)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)Gennai Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):747-756
金子剛 1),宮田晃史 2),上山永生 3)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):747-756
Takeshi KANEKO 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2),Hisao UEYAMA 3)
1)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)Gennai Seiyaku Co.,Ltd.
結果:介入群(RS群)23人,プラセボ群26人が試験を完遂し,解析対象不採用者はおらず,解析対象例数は49だった。RS群とプラセボ群を群間比較した結果,0~12週の末梢血流変化量に有意な差がみられた。また,冷水負荷試験の結果,12週後にRS群は冷水負荷時の皮膚表面温度がプラセボ群よりも有意に高く,AUC 0-5 m,AUC 5-10 mがプラセボ群と比較して有意に大きかった。また,血液検査と尿検査の結果,および試験期間中の日誌による評価からも,有害事象の発現はみられなかった。
Key Words:レッドスピナッチ(red spinach),硝酸塩(nitrate),冷え症(cold sensitivity),末梢血流(peripheral blood flow),曲線下面積;AUC(area under the curve;AUC)
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診療と新薬 2021;58(10):757-763
金子剛 1),宮田晃史 2),永井敏 3)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):757-763
Effect of Cosmetis Cleansing Containing 41 Kinds of Beauty Ingredients Such as Vitamins and Amino Acids on Skin Condition and Pore Condition
Takeshi KANEKO 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2),Satoshi NAGAI 3)
1)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)PLUEST Co., Ltd.
診療と新薬 2021;58(10):757-763
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(10):757-763
Effect of Cosmetis Cleansing Containing 41 Kinds of Beauty Ingredients Such as Vitamins and Amino Acids on Skin Condition and Pore Condition