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診療と新薬 2022;59(12):745-752


医療法人健清会 那珂記念クリニック

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):745-752

Imeglimin is Affected on Erythrocytes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Naka Kinen Clinic

診療と新薬 2022;59(12):745-752


医療法人健清会 那珂記念クリニック

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):745-752

Imeglimin is Affected on Erythrocytes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Naka Kinen Clinic

方法:2021年9月~2022年10月までに当院でイメグリミンを3カ月以上投与した患者46 例を対象とした。イメグリミン投与6カ月間の血糖関連項目(HbA1c,GA,GA/HbA1c比)および赤血球関連項目(赤血球数,ヘモグロビン,ヘマトクリット:Ht,平均赤血球容積:MCV,平均赤血球ヘモグロビン濃度:MCHC,平均赤血球ヘモグロビン量:MCH)を評価した。
結果:対象患者において,HbA1cおよびGAはどちらもイメグリミン投与1カ月から6カ月後まで有意な低下が認められたが,HbA1cは緩徐な低下推移を示し,GAは投与1カ月後に大きく低下した。HbA1cとGAの変化率を比較すると,両者はイメグリミン投与2カ月後まで有意な乖離が認められ,GA/HbA1c比も2カ月後まで有意に低下した。そこで,イメグリミン投与前後6カ月間の平均値での赤血球関連項目の変化を検討した。その結果,イメグリミン投与後に赤血球数(投与前:469.0±48.5⇒投与後:456.6±51.6 104/μL),ヘモグロビン(14.4±1.6⇒13.9±1.5 g/dL)およびMCHC(33.7±1.2⇒33.2±0.9 g/dL)はいずれも有意に減少し,MCV(91.1±4.7⇒92.1±4.7 fL)は有意に増加した。一方,HtおよびMCHはどちらも有意な変化ではなかった。

Key words:イメグリミン,HbA1c,グリコアルブミン,赤血球数,ヘモグロビン,赤血球恒数,2型糖尿病

診療と新薬 2022;59(12):745-752


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):745-752

Imeglimin is Affected on Erythrocytes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus


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診療と新薬 2022;59(12):753-756



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):753-756

Intervention of Insurance Pharmacy Pharmacists in Drug Treatment Using Test Values

1)Nihon Chouzai Toshimabyouinmae Pharmacy,2) Educational Training & Medical Information Department, Nihon Chouzai Co., Ltd.,3)Tokyo 3rd Branch, Nihon Chouzai Co., Ltd.

診療と新薬 2022;59(12):753-756



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):753-756

Intervention of Insurance Pharmacy Pharmacists in Drug Treatment Using Test Values

1)Nihon Chouzai Toshimabyouinmae Pharmacy,2) Educational Training & Medical Information Department, Nihon Chouzai Co., Ltd.,3)Tokyo 3rd Branch, Nihon Chouzai Co., Ltd.


Key words:疑義照会,腎機能低下,処方変更,用量調節,モニタリング

診療と新薬 2022;59(12):753-756


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):753-756

Intervention of Insurance Pharmacy Pharmacists in Drug Treatment Using Test Values


PDF:415 KB

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診療と新薬 2022;59(12):757-766



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):757-766

Intake of Piper retrofractum Vahl Extract and Skin Inflammation Reduction During COVID-19 Infection Control (Long-term Mask Wearing)

診療と新薬 2022;59(12):757-766



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):757-766

Intake of Piper retrofractum Vahl Extract and Skin Inflammation Reduction During COVID-19 Infection Control (Long-term Mask Wearing)

During the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, taking health foods as a complementary alternative medicine (CAM) is considered to be effective to reduce or prevent physical and mental problems. Piper retrofractum Vahl (P. retrofractum ) has a long history of being used for food and folk medicine, and was expected to improve skin condition. This randomized, controlled, double-blind study aimed to clinically evaluate the effect of oral intake of P. retrofractum extract supplement on human skin quality. Healthy women volunteers between over the age of 40 years (n = 40) were randomly assigned to receive P. retrofractum extract‒placebo orally, once daily for 8 weeks. Skin quality parameters such as skin hydration, skin barrier function (transepidermal water loss [TEWL]), melanin index, and erythema index were assessed after 0 weeks, 4 weeks and 8 weeks of administration. Fourteen items of subjective evaluation were assessed after 0 week and 8 weeks of administration. The erythema index was significantly increased in the placebo group, whereas it remained unchanged in the P. retrofractum group. The pattern of erythema index change was significantly different due to intake or no intake of P. retrofractum supplements over 8 weeks. No significant difference was found in skin hydration and TEWL between the two groups at 8 weeks post administration. In the subjective evaluation, 10 items of skin quality improvement were noticeable in the intake group. It was suggested that intake of P. retrofractum extract had the effect of regulating signaling pathways and promoting the expression of antioxidant enzymes, and suppressed erythema reaction.

Key words: P iper retrofractum Vahl, P. retrofractum, melanin, erythema, irritant contact dermatitis, anti-inflammatory

診療と新薬 2022;59(12):757-766


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):757-766

Intake of Piper retrofractum Vahl Extract and Skin Inflammation Reduction During COVID-19 Infection Control (Long-term Mask Wearing)


PDF:339 KB

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診療と新薬 2022;59(12):767-778


1)日本臨床試験協会(JACTA),2)ミヤタ メディカル クリニック,3)ビバリーグレンラボラトリーズ株式会社

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):767-778

Effect on Hair and Hair-growth Environment by Using Beauty Equipment and Hair Restorer Together for 6 Months in Middle-aged Women

1)JACTA (Japan Clinical Trial Association) ,2)Miyata Medical Clinic,3)Beverly Glen Laboratories, inc.

診療と新薬 2022;59(12):767-778


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(12):767-778

Effect on Hair and Hair-growth Environment by Using Beauty Equipment and Hair Restorer Together for 6 Months in Middle-aged Women


PDF:330 KB

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