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診療と新薬 2024;61(1):1-6


兵庫県立西宮病院 看護部

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):1-6

Survey of Outpatient Nursing Care for Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Pharmacotherapy

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):1-6


兵庫県立西宮病院 看護部

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):1-6

Survey of Outpatient Nursing Care for Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Pharmacotherapy

【結果】有効回答者は210名(回収率9.4%)で,乳がん看護の平均経験年数は22年であった。204名(97.1%)は,患者が医師から薬物治療の説明を受けた後に患者の理解度や受け止め方を確認すると回答した。確認する際の困りごとは,研修やマニュアルなどがない,看護師間での対応の格差の心配があることであった。94名(44.8%)は,外来看護師が免疫チェックポイント阻害薬(immune checkpoint inhibitor:ICI)の有害事象を確認すると回答した。そして,183名(87.1%)は外来看護師がICIの有害事象の看護ケアに積極的に関わる方が良いと回答した。81名(38.6%)はICI,57名(27.1%)は化学療法剤への学習ニーズがあった。


診療と新薬 2024;61(1):1-6


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):1-6

Survey of Outpatient Nursing Care for Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Pharmacotherapy


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診療と新薬 2024;61(1):7-14

トランスサイレチン型家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチー患者を対象としたブトリシランナトリウム(アムヴトラⓇ皮下注25 mgシリンジ)の市販直後調査

1)Alnylam Japan 株式会社 安全性管理部,2)Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Global Patient Safety Risk Management

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):7-14

Early Post-Marketing Phase Vigilance in Patients with Transthyretin-Type Familial Amyloidosis with Polyneuropathy Treated with Vutrisiran Sodium (AMVUTTRA)

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):7-14

トランスサイレチン型家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチー患者を対象としたブトリシランナトリウム(アムヴトラⓇ皮下注25 mgシリンジ)の市販直後調査

1)Alnylam Japan 株式会社 安全性管理部,2)Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Global Patient Safety Risk Management

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):7-14

Early Post-Marketing Phase Vigilance in Patients with Transthyretin-Type Familial Amyloidosis with Polyneuropathy Treated with Vutrisiran Sodium (AMVUTTRA)

ブトリシランナトリウム(アムヴトラⓇ皮下注25 mg シリンジ;以下,本剤)は,トランスサイレチン型家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチーを適応症とするsiRNA(small interfering RNA)製剤である。日常診療下における本剤の副作用などの情報を迅速に収集し,必要な安全対策を実施する目的で,2022年11月18日~2023年5月17日の6カ月間にわたり本剤の市販直後調査を実施した。
本剤が納入された医療機関135施設において,本剤が投与されたトランスサイレチン型家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチー患者は317例であった。収集された有害事象は23例(7.3%)43件,副作用は13例(4.1%)22件であった。発現した副作用の多くは本剤の添付文書に記載のない未知のものであり,3 件以上発現したものはなく,発現傾向が認められる事象はなかった。重篤な副作用は3例(0.9%)6件発現し,内訳は甲状腺機能低下症,体重増加,無力症,急性心不全,心不全,栄養状態異常が各1件であった。本剤の医薬品リスク管理計画(RMP)に設定されている重要な潜在的リスクである「ビタミンA欠乏に伴う有害事象(夜盲等)」,「心機能障害」に関連して,眼障害関連事象(器官別大分類:SOC)1 例2 件(視力低下,視神経乳頭出血),心臓障害関連事象(SOC)1例2件(急性心不全,心不全)が報告された。眼障害関連事象は経過観察にて軽快した。心臓障害関連事象を発現した症例は,本剤投与前から心不全を合併していた。


診療と新薬 2024;61(1):7-14

トランスサイレチン型家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチー患者を対象としたブトリシランナトリウム(アムヴトラⓇ皮下注25 mgシリンジ)の市販直後調査

1)Alnylam Japan 株式会社 安全性管理部,2)Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Global Patient Safety Risk Management

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):7-14

Early Post-Marketing Phase Vigilance in Patients with Transthyretin-Type Familial Amyloidosis with Polyneuropathy Treated with Vutrisiran Sodium (AMVUTTRA)

Vutrisiran sodium (amvuttra Ⓡ Subcutaneous Injection Syringe: hereinafter "amvuttra") is an siRNA (small interfering RNA) product indicated for transthyretin-type familial amyloid polyneuropathy. To collect information on adverse reactions of amvuttra rapidly in the actual clinical setting and to take the necessary safety measures, an early post-marketing phase vigilance of amvuttra was performed for six months from November 18, 2022, to May 17, 2023.
In the 135 medical institutions to which amvuttra was delivered, 317 patients with transthyretintype familial amyloid polyneuropathy received amvuttra. Forty-three adverse events were collected from 23 cases (7.3%), and 22 adverse reactions were collected from 13 cases (4.1%). Many of the adverse reactions that developed were unknown and not described in the package insert, and each reaction developed in less than three cases without any trend of onset noted. Six serious adverse reactions developed in three cases (0.9%). The breakdown was hypothyroidism, weight gain, asthenia, acute heart failure, heart failure, and nutritional condition abnormal in one case for each. With regard to "vitamin A deficiency-associated adverse events (night blindness)" and "cardiac disorders", which are set as the important potential risks in the Risk Management Plan (RMP) for amvuttra, the following events were reported: two eye disorder events (System Organ Class: SOC) in one case (visual acuity decreased and optic disc bleeding) and two cardiac disorder events (acute heart failure and heart failure) in one case. The eye disorder events were remitted by being followed up. The case developing cardiac disorder events was identical to the serious case that had been complicated by heart failure before the administration of amvuttra.
The result from this survey identified no new safety problems in practical use of amvuttra in the actual clinical setting.

Key words: vutrisiran sodium, transthyretin-type familial amyloid polyneuropathy, early postmarketing phase vigilance, siRNA product

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):7-14

トランスサイレチン型家族性アミロイドポリニューロパチー患者を対象としたブトリシランナトリウム(アムヴトラⓇ皮下注25 mgシリンジ)の市販直後調査

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):7-14

Early Post-Marketing Phase Vigilance in Patients with Transthyretin-Type Familial Amyloidosis with Polyneuropathy Treated with Vutrisiran Sodium (AMVUTTRA)


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診療と新薬 2024;61(1):15-18


医療法人社団日翔会 まえだクリニック

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):15-18

Treatment for Hyperlipidemia During Steroid Administration

Maeda Clinic

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):15-18


医療法人社団日翔会 まえだクリニック

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):15-18

Treatment for Hyperlipidemia During Steroid Administration

Maeda Clinic

It has been known that administration of steroid for long periods induce hyperlipidemia resulting in onset of arteriosclerosis. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that when indicated, steroid therapy must be continued regardless of the presence of hyperlipidemia.
Pemafibrate is a selective PPARα modulator (SPPARMα) approved in Japan for the treatment of hypertriglyceridemia and has a conformationally promoted affinity for the PPARα ligand-binding pocket and improved PPARα selectivity. Since steroids have specific pharmacological characteristics, such as strong anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive actions, they are often used for the treatment of collagen disease, nephrotic syndrome, leukemia, etc. In many cases, steroid administration is essential for patients and there are no other effective treatment alternatives. However, as the number of patients being administered steroids for long periods increases, hyperlipidemia has become a problem due to future onset of arteriosclerosis, which is not a problem in patients who have steroids for a short term. In this paper, we report the treatment of patients with steroid-induced hyperlipidemia, focusing on cases, with a review of the literature.

Key word: steroid-induced hyperlipidemia, pemafibrate, Guillain-Barré syndrome, Sjögren's Syndrome

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):15-18


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):15-18

Treatment for Hyperlipidemia During Steroid Administration


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診療と新薬 2024;61(1):19-30



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):19-30

Improvement of Immune Function by Kuzumochi Lactic Acid Bacteria (F1805 strain)

1) Funabashiya CO., LTD.,2) Nurtnex Co., Ltd.

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):19-30



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):19-30

Improvement of Immune Function by Kuzumochi Lactic Acid Bacteria (F1805 strain)

1) Funabashiya CO., LTD.,2) Nurtnex Co., Ltd.

方法:くず餅乳酸菌(F1805株)を400億個含む顆粒状の食品1包2 gを4週間,健常な被験者20名に摂取させるオープン試験として行った。免疫機能改善効果を測る指標として免疫細胞pDC活性,唾液中sIgA(濃度,分泌速度,分泌量),血中IFN-α,NK細胞CD/CD16比,体調アンケート,SF-36Ⓡv2スタンダードを採用し,評価した。同時に問診,身体測定と有害事象の有無により安全性についても確認した。
結果:くず餅乳酸菌を400億個含む食品を1日1回摂取するオープン試験において,主要評価項目である免疫細胞のpDC活性評価の層別解析では,CD86 MFI,CD86 MFI 補正後で有意に高い変化を示した。副次的項目では,NK細胞では有意な改善は認められなかったものの,唾液中SgIA濃度,体調アンケート,ならびに健康関連QOLを測定するSF-36Ⓡv2スタンダードの一部の項目で有意な改善を示した。また,安全性には問題がなかった。


診療と新薬 2024;61(1):19-30



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):19-30

Improvement of Immune Function by Kuzumochi Lactic Acid Bacteria (F1805 strain)

1) Funabashiya CO., LTD.,2) Nurtnex Co., Ltd.

Objective: This study examined the effect of lactic acid bacteria (strain F1805) isolated from fermented wheat flour, the raw material of Kuzumochi, on the improvement of immune function.
Methods: An open study was conducted in which 20 healthy subjects consumed 2g of a granulated food containing 40 billion Kuzumochi lactic acid bacteria (strain F1805) in one packet for 4 weeks. Immune cell pDC activity, salivary sIgA (concentration, secretion rate, and secretion amount), IFN-α in blood, NK cell CD/CD16 ratio, physical condition questionnaire, and SF-36Ⓡv2 standard were adopted and evaluated as indicators to measure the effect of improving immune function. At the same time, safety was also confirmed by interview, body measurements and the presence of adverse events.
Results: In the open study of taking 40 billion Kuzumochi lactic acid bacteria once a day, stratified analysis of pDC activity evaluation of immune cells, which is the primary endpoint, showed significantly higher changes after CD86 MFI and CD86 MFI correction. Regarding secondary items, although no significant improvement was observed in NK cells, there were significant improvements in salivary SgIA concentration, physical condition questionnaire, and some items of the SF-36Ⓡv2 standard that measures health-related QOL was indicated. Additionally, there were no safety issues.
Summary: Kuzumochi lactic acid bacteria (strain F1805) showed significant changes in some items of immune cell activation test, physical condition questionnaires, salivary sIgA, and SF-36Ⓡv2, indicating that comprehensive intake of this food may have the effect of improving immune function. At the same time, no adverse events were discovered during the study period, therefore the safety was suggested as the result.

《Research Institute》 An open study was conducted with the Shinagawa Season Terrace as the testing organization, and Dr. Toru Sagami as the chief physician. Measurement was conducted at LSI Medience Co., Ltd., Yauchihara Research Institute Co., Ltd., and Nutrition and Pathology Research Institute Co., Ltd., under the supervision of KSO Co. Ltd.

Key word: lactic acid bacteria, immune function, screening, IL-12, IL-6, IL-10, Kuzumochi, Kuzumochi lactic acid bacteria

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):19-30


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):19-30

Improvement of Immune Function by Kuzumochi Lactic Acid Bacteria (F1805 strain)


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診療と新薬 2024;61(1):31-42



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):31-42

Effects of Pork Placenta Extract-Containing Supplements on the Mental Health of Healthy Adult Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):31-42



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):31-42

Effects of Pork Placenta Extract-Containing Supplements on the Mental Health of Healthy Adult Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study

Porcine placenta is a pharmaceutical or health food made from ingredients extracted from the placenta of animals, and has long been effective for improving menopausal symptoms. Middleaged and elderly age are also a time when psychological factors (work, family environment, etc.) are also intricately involved. For the evaluation of psychological symptoms in women who feel that they have temporarily difficulty controlling their emotions due to various stresses in society and at home, it is necessary to evaluate the psychological stress response by looking back on daily life. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the intake of foods containing porcine placenta extract as an intervention on reducing the psychological stress response in daily life during the intervention period. Healthy women volunteers between 35 to 59 years (n =40) were randomly assigned to receive either placebo or 200 mg of porcine placenta extract once daily for 4 weeks from October 28 to November 30 in 2021. SRS-18 (Stress Response Scale-18), DASS-21 (Depression, Anxiety, Stress scale-21), POMS 2 (Profile of Mood States 2nd Edition) Shortened version, Fatigue Vas (Visual Analog Scale), OSA-MA (OSA sleep inventory MA version) and amount of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) in
serum were assessed at baseline and after 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, one factor of SRS-18 and overall score were significantly improved in the porcine placenta group compared with the placebo group. These results suggest that porcine placenta extract can be used as a health food ingredient to improve or maintain psychological symptoms of women s condition in middle-aged and elderly age.

Key words: porcine placenta extract, menopausal symptoms, estrogen, BDNF (Brain-derived neurotrophic factor), cortisol

診療と新薬 2024;61(1):31-42


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(1):31-42

Effects of Pork Placenta Extract-Containing Supplements on the Mental Health of Healthy Adult Women: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study


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