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診療と新薬 2020;57(10):905-913
プレガバリンカプセル25 mg「日医工」およびプレガバリンカプセル150 mg「日医工」の健康成人における生物学的同等性試験
神谷有久理 1),沖守 2),原あゆみ 3),伊藤誠 3),中根俊治 3)
1)医療法人社団快晴会,北新横浜内科クリニック,2)医療法人社団成守会 成守会クリニック,3)日医工株式会社 開発・企画本部
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):905-913
Bioequivalence study of PREGABALIN CAPSULES 25 mg「NICHIIKO」and PREGABALIN CAPSULES 150 mg「NICHIIKO」 on healthy adults
Uguri KAMIYA(Kitashinyokohama Internal Medicine Clinic),Mamoru OKI (Seisyukai Clinic), et al.
診療と新薬 2020;57(10):905-913
プレガバリンカプセル25 mg「日医工」およびプレガバリンカプセル150 mg「日医工」の健康成人における生物学的同等性試験
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):905-913
Bioequivalence study of PREGABALIN CAPSULES 25 mg「NICHIIKO」and PREGABALIN CAPSULES 150 mg「NICHIIKO」 on healthy adults
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診療と新薬 2020;57(10):915-921
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),名嘉栄勝 3),嘉手川豪心 2)4),安次富勝博 2)5),照屋敏明 6),禹済泰 7)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)西崎病院 泌尿器科,4)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,5)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,6)琉球大学教育学部,7)株式会社沖縄リサーチセンター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):915-921
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Nobiletin High-purity Powder(NobilexⓇ PMF90)for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2), Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Hidekatsu NAKA 3), Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)4),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)5), Toshiaki TERUYA 6),Je Tae WOO 7)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights'Laboratory, Co., Ltd. ,3)Department of Urology, Nishizaki Hospital,4)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,5)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,6)Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus,7)Okinawa Research Center, Co., Ltd.
診療と新薬 2020;57(10):915-921
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),名嘉栄勝 3),嘉手川豪心 2)4),安次富勝博 2)5),照屋敏明 6),禹済泰 7)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)西崎病院 泌尿器科,4)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,5)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,6)琉球大学教育学部,7)株式会社沖縄リサーチセンター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):915-921
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Nobiletin High-purity Powder(NobilexⓇ PMF90)for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2), Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Hidekatsu NAKA 3), Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)4),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)5), Toshiaki TERUYA 6),Je Tae WOO 7)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights'Laboratory, Co., Ltd. ,3)Department of Urology, Nishizaki Hospital,4)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,5)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,6)Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus,7)Okinawa Research Center, Co., Ltd.
目的:蓄尿障害のある成人ボランティアに対するノビレチン高純度粉末(ノビレックスⓇPMF90)1日100 mg 摂取の有効性と安全性を検討した。
方法:成人ボランティア40例をプラセボ群とノビレックス群に分けた。選択規準としては,2カ月以上前から蓄尿障害がある未治療の者とした。ノビレックス群ではノビレックスⓇPMF90の100 mgを1日1回朝に摂取し,プラセボ群ではプラセボを1日1回朝に摂取し,それぞれ6週間継続とした。開始前,摂取3週後と6週後に問診票で昼間と夜間の排尿回数,過活動膀胱症状スコア(OABSS)と国際前立腺症状スコア(IPSS)を記載してもらった。
結論:ノビレチン高純度粉末(ノビレックスⓇPMF90)1日100 mg摂取では有害事象もなく,安全であり,頻尿,夜間頻尿などの蓄尿障害に有用と考えられた。
Key words:ノビレチン(nobiletin),夜間頻尿(nocturia),下部尿路症状(lower urinary tract symptoms)
診療と新薬 2020;57(10):915-921
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),名嘉栄勝 3),嘉手川豪心 2)4),安次富勝博 2)5),照屋敏明 6),禹済泰 7)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)西崎病院 泌尿器科,4)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,5)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,6)琉球大学教育学部,7)株式会社沖縄リサーチセンター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):915-921
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Nobiletin High-purity Powder(NobilexⓇ PMF90)for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2), Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Hidekatsu NAKA 3), Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)4),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)5), Toshiaki TERUYA 6),Je Tae WOO 7)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights'Laboratory, Co., Ltd. ,3)Department of Urology, Nishizaki Hospital,4)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,5)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,6)Faculty of Education, University of the Ryukyus,7)Okinawa Research Center, Co., Ltd.
Objective: We investigated the efficacy and safety of daily intake of 100 mg of nobiletin high-purity powder(NobilexⓇPMF90)for adult volunteers with urine storage disorders.
Method: Forty adult volunteers were divided into a placebo group and a nobilex group. The selection criteria were untreated volunteers with urinary storage disorders for more than 2 months. In the nobilex group, 100 mg of NobilexⓇPMF90 was ingested once a day in the morning, and in the placebo group, placebo was ingested once a day in the morning, and each was continued for 6 weeks. Before the start, and after 3 weeks and 6 weeks, they asked to describe the number of urination in the daytime and the nighttime, the overactive bladder symptom score(OABSS)and the international prostatic symptom score(IPSS)on the questionnaire.
Results: There were 20 patients in the placebo group(8 males, 12 females, average 49 years)and 20 patients in the nobilex group(5 males, 15 females, average 48 years), and there were no survey items that differed between groups before ingestion of the test product. In the nobilex group, 6 weeks after ingestion, the number of nocturnal urination, the nocturia and total scores of the OABSS, the feeling of residual urine, frequent urination and total scores of the IPSS, and the IPSS-QOL score were significantly improved. However, there were no significant improvements after ingestion in the placebo group. In terms of global self-assessment, more than “improvement” was significantly higher in the nobilex group than in the placebo group.
Conclusion: Ingestion of 100 mg of nobiletin high-purity powder(NobilexⓇPMF90)daily was considered safe and useful for urinary storage disorders such as urinary frequency and nocturia.
Key words: nobiletin, nocturia, lower urinary tract symptoms
診療と新薬 2020;57(10):915-921
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):915-921
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Nobiletin High-purity Powder(NobilexⓇ PMF90)for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
- 書誌情報
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診療と新薬 2020;57(10):923-929
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),嘉手川豪心 2)3),安次富勝博 2)4),川原和也 5),禹済泰 6)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,4)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,5)川原腎泌尿器科クリニック,6)株式会社沖縄リサーチセンター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):923-929
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Nobiletin, Kaempferia parviflora, and Peucedanum Japonicum Mixture for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2),Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)3),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)4),Kazuya KAWAHARA 5),Je Tae WOO 6)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights'Laboratory, Co., Ltd.,3)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,4)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,5)Kawahara Urologic Clinic,6)Okinawa Research Center, Co., Ltd.
診療と新薬 2020;57(10):923-929
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),嘉手川豪心 2)3),安次富勝博 2)4),川原和也 5),禹済泰 6)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,4)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,5)川原腎泌尿器科クリニック,6)株式会社沖縄リサーチセンター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):923-929
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Nobiletin, Kaempferia parviflora, and Peucedanum Japonicum Mixture for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2),Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)3),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)4),Kazuya KAWAHARA 5),Je Tae WOO 6)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights'Laboratory, Co., Ltd.,3)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,4)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,5)Kawahara Urologic Clinic,6)Okinawa Research Center, Co., Ltd.
方法:蓄尿障害があるが未治療の50歳以上80歳未満の男女20例を対象とした。調査項目は,昼間排尿回数,夜間排尿回数,過活動膀胱症状スコア(OABSS),国際前立腺症状スコア(IPSS),IPSS-QOLスコアとQOLレベルを用い,開始時と試験終了時に血液一般検査と血液生化学検査を実施した。試験品は200 mgの3カプセル(内容物600 mg:ノビレチン高純度粉末55 mg,黒ウコン根茎乾燥粉末388 mgとボタンボウフウ乾燥粉末100 mgを含む)を用いた。最初の3週間は1日1回3カプセルを朝に摂取とし,続く4週間は1日1回9カプセルを朝に摂取とした。
結論:ノビレチン高純度粉末55 mg,黒ウコン根茎乾燥粉末388 mgとボタンボウフウ乾燥粉末100 mgの3混合物の蓄尿障害に対する効果は限定的であったが,これらの3倍量3混合物は排尿症状のほぼ全般に対して改善効果を発揮した。しかし,1例にアレルギー反応と思われる有害事象を認めたことから,アレルギーの既往に注意すれば,3倍量3混合物は概ね安全で,蓄尿障害を主とする膀胱尿道機能障害に対して有効と考えられた。
Key words:ノビレチン,黒ウコン,ボタンボウフウ,下部尿路症状
診療と新薬 2020;57(10):923-929
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),嘉手川豪心 2)3),安次富勝博 2)4),川原和也 5),禹済泰 6)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,4)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,5)川原腎泌尿器科クリニック,6)株式会社沖縄リサーチセンター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):923-929
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Nobiletin, Kaempferia parviflora, and Peucedanum Japonicum Mixture for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2),Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)3),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)4),Kazuya KAWAHARA 5),Je Tae WOO 6)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights'Laboratory, Co., Ltd.,3)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,4)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,5)Kawahara Urologic Clinic,6)Okinawa Research Center, Co., Ltd.
Objective: We investigated the efficacy and safety of Nobiletin, Kaempferia parviflora, and Peucedanum Japonicum Mixture in urine storage disorders.
Method: Subjects were 20 untreated males and females with urine storage disorders, aged 50-79 years old. The survey items included daytime and nighttime urinary frequency, overactive bladder symptom score(OABSS), international prostate symptom score(IPSS), IPSS-QOL and QOL level. General blood tests and blood biochemical tests were performed at the start and at the end of the study. The test product used 3 capsules of 200 mg(contents 600 mg: containing 55 mg of nobiletin high-purity powder, 388 mg of Kaempferia parviflora dry powder and 100 mg of Peucedanum Japonicum dry powder). For the first 3 weeks, 3 capsules were taken once daily, and for the following 4 weeks, 9 capsules were taken once daily in the morning.
Results: As a result, the items that improved significantly after 3 weeks of ingestion of 3 capsules(1 dose of 3 mixture)per day was few. However, after 4 weeks of ingestion of 9 capsules(3-fold doses of 3 mixture)per day, the actual number of urination at night, the number of urination at night, urinary urgency and total score of OABSS, all IPSS items except abdominal pressure urination, IPSS-QOL, and all QOL level items improved significantly. There was no change of examination in general blood tests and blood biochemical tests at the end of the study. Adverse events such as malaise, binocular edema, nausea, and loss of appetite occurred in one patient with a history of shrimp allergy when the dose was increased to 3-fold doses of 3 mixture, but the events disappeared promptly after discontinuation of the test product.
Conclusion: In conclusion, the effect of the one dose of 3 mixtures was insufficient for urinary storage disorders, but these 3-fold doses of 3 mixtures were effective for almost all urinary symptoms. One woman had an adverse event that seemed to be an allergic reaction. If attention is paid to the history of allergies, the 3-fold doses of 3 mixture is generally safe and is considered to be effective for bladder and urethral dysfunction, mainly urine storage disorders.
Key words: nobiletin, kaempferia parviflora, peucedanum japonicum, lower urinary tract symptoms
診療と新薬 2020;57(10):923-929
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2020;57(10):923-929
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of Nobiletin, Kaempferia parviflora, and Peucedanum Japonicum Mixture for Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms