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診療と新薬 2019;56(10):721-727
アプレピタントカプセル125 mg「サワイ」の健康成人における生物学的同等性試験
矢ヶ崎千良 1),平栗貢一 2),木曽達也 2),大西明弘 3)
1)医療法人仁愛会 日立おおみか病院,2)沢井製薬株式会社 開発部,3)東京慈恵会医科大学 臨床検査医学
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):721-727
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):721-727
アプレピタントカプセル125 mg「サワイ」の健康成人における生物学的同等性試験
矢ヶ崎千良 1),平栗貢一 2),木曽達也 2),大西明弘 3)
1)医療法人仁愛会 日立おおみか病院,2)沢井製薬株式会社 開発部,3)東京慈恵会医科大学 臨床検査医学
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):721-727
ジェネリック医薬品のアプレピタントカプセル125 mg「サワイ」について,先発医薬品であるイメンドⓇカプセル125 mgとの生物学的同等性を検証するため,日本人健康成人男性を対象に2剤2期のクロスオーバー試験を行った。
したがって,アプレピタントカプセル125 mg「サワイ」とイメンドⓇカプセル125 mgは,それぞれ治療学的に同等であると考えられた。
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診療と新薬 2019;56(10):729-735
医療法人健清会 那珂記念クリニック
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):729-735
Long-term Administration of a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Liraglutide Improves Hepatic Function and Fibrosis in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Takeshi OSONOI,Miyoko SAITO,Yusuke OSONOI,Maiko NAKATA,Kensuke OFUCHI,Makoto KATOH
Naka Kinen Clinic
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):729-735
医療法人健清会 那珂記念クリニック
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):729-735
Long-term Administration of a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Liraglutide Improves Hepatic Function and Fibrosis in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Takeshi OSONOI,Miyoko SAITO,Yusuke OSONOI,Maiko NAKATA,Kensuke OFUCHI,Makoto KATOH
Naka Kinen Clinic
背景:本研究では日本人2型糖尿病患者における日常診療下での長時間作用型GLP-1受容体作動薬リラグルチドの長期投与による肝保護に対する効果をalanine aminotransferase(ALT)のカットオフ値30 U/Lを用いて,後方視的に検討した。
方法:当院でリラグルチドを1年以上投与し,ALTを測定した2型糖尿病患者707例について,ALT 30 U/L以下および31 U/L以上に層別し,リラグルチド投与前後1年間の各測定項目の平均値を比較検討するとともに,肝機能パラメータのALT,aspartate aminotransferase(AST),γ-glutamyl transpeptidase(γ-GTP),および肝線維化の指標であるFIB-4 indexの5年間の推移を観察した。またFIB-4 indexの肝線維化カットオフ値(FIB-4 index 2.67以上)での層別解析を加えた。
結果:リラグルチド投与前後1年間の平均値の比較において,HbA1c,体重およびbody mass index(BMI)はALT 30 U/L以下群および31 U/L以上群のどちらも有意に低下したが,ALT,ASTおよびγ-GTPはALT 31 U/L以上群で有意に低下し,いずれもリラグルチド投与5年間の観察で低下推移を示した。一方,FIB-4 indexはALT 30 U/L 以下群および31 U/L以上群のどちらでも有意な変化はなかったが,FIB-4 index 2.67以上群ではリラグルチド投与前後1年間の平均値の比較で有意な低下が認められた。
Key words:GLP-1受容体作動薬,リラグルチド,HbA1c,ALT,FIB-4 index,2型糖尿病
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):729-735
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):729-735
Long-term Administration of a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Liraglutide Improves Hepatic Function and Fibrosis in Japanese Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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診療と新薬 2019;56(10):737-747
医療法人社団吉医会 四谷ローズクリニック
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):737-747
Effectiveness in Hair Growth by Combination of LED Irradiation and Warm Blower by Using Hair Dryer Type with High Energy Density Red LED Unit: Experiment with Mice and Examination of Usefulness in Human Volunteers
Yotsuya Rose Clinic
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):737-747
医療法人社団吉医会 四谷ローズクリニック
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):737-747
Effectiveness in Hair Growth by Combination of LED Irradiation and Warm Blower by Using Hair Dryer Type with High Energy Density Red LED Unit: Experiment with Mice and Examination of Usefulness in Human Volunteers
Yotsuya Rose Clinic
方法1:前実験として,C3H/He系雄マウスを対象とし,LED光照射+温風,LED光照射のみ,コントロールの3群で発毛に関する実験を行った。照射エネルギーは,1.0 J/cm2とした。
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):737-747
医療法人社団吉医会 四谷ローズクリニック
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):737-747
Effectiveness in Hair Growth by Combination of LED Irradiation and Warm Blower by Using Hair Dryer Type with High Energy Density Red LED Unit: Experiment with Mice and Examination of Usefulness in Human Volunteers
Yotsuya Rose Clinic
Purpose: Any previous studies regarding hair growth by RED LLLT (Low Level Laser Therapy) show us that stayed at the experimental level, in order to embody such results in the daily life behavior pattern when the hair care, the results of the questionnaire survey. The hair dryer type high energy density red LED unit was developed, and the hairs growth experiment was performed.
Method 1: As a previous experiment, we conducted experiments on hair growth in C3H / He male mice in three groups; LED irradiation and warm blowing, just LED irradiation, and control. The irradiation energy was 1.0 J /cm2.
Result 1: In the LED irradiation and warm blowing group, significant hair growth was confirmed compared to the just LED irradiation group and the control group.
Method 2: The same condition of LED irradiation energy and warm blow were given to a total of 20 volunteers who wanted to implement thinning measures regardless of age or gender. The average age was 45.9 years. Regarding lifestyle habits, no specific instructions were given, and changes such as starting exercise were prohibited. The usage period was at least 3 to 6 months.
Result 2: We devised a method for analyzing hair growth (Binary-valued mesh method). As a result of analysis using this method, hair growth was observed in all the subjects, and the hair growth rate averaged 47.7% (at the last observation time) within a certain area. This suggests that the combination of high energy density red LED irradiation and warm blow has a significant effect on hair growth.
Key word: hair dryer type high energy density red LED unit, combination of high energy red LED irradiation and warm blow, hair growth effect, binary-valued mesh method
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):737-747
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):737-747
Effectiveness in Hair Growth by Combination of LED Irradiation and Warm Blower by Using Hair Dryer Type with High Energy Density Red LED Unit: Experiment with Mice and Examination of Usefulness in Human Volunteers
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診療と新薬 2019;56(10):748-752
王龍三 1),高橋将世 2),王宝禮 3)
1)王医院内科,2)株式会社ピカッシュ,3)大阪歯科大学 歯科医学教育開発室
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):748-752
A Report in Improving Liver Function with Zinc Replacement Therapy for a Patient with Fatty Liver Disease: Trial of Combined Use of Polaprezinc and Functional Food "Daichi No MegumiⓇ"
Lung-San WANG 1),Shosei TAKAHASHI 2),Pao-Li WANG 3)
1)OH clinic, Internal Medicine,2)Pikasshu Co.,3)Department of Development of Dental Education, Osaka Dental University
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):748-752
王龍三 1),高橋将世 2),王宝禮 3)
1)王医院内科,2)株式会社ピカッシュ,3)大阪歯科大学 歯科医学教育開発室
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):748-752
A Report in Improving Liver Function with Zinc Replacement Therapy for a Patient with Fatty Liver Disease: Trial of Combined Use of Polaprezinc and Functional Food "Daichi No MegumiⓇ"
Lung-San WANG 1),Shosei TAKAHASHI 2),Pao-Li WANG 3)
1)OH clinic, Internal Medicine,2)Pikasshu Co.,3)Department of Development of Dental Education, Osaka Dental University
症例は39歳の男性。2015年6月11日の健康診断でALT(GPT)87 IU/LおよびAST(GOT)59 IU/Lより肝機能障害の疑いから腹部超音波検査(腹部エコー検査)で脂肪肝と判断し,基礎疾患を伴わない非アルコール性脂肪性肝疾患(nonalcoholic fatty liver disease;NAFLD)の慢性肝機能障害と診断,ポラプレジンク顆粒(1回75 mgを1日2回朝食後および就寝前)による亜鉛補充療法に加え,栄養機能食品「大地の恵みⓇ」(1日1回就寝前に3錠)を並行して摂取することを試みた結果,肝機能検査値異常が改善された。今回,本症例の経験について,文献的考察も加えて報告する。
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):748-752
王龍三 1),高橋将世 2),王宝禮 3)
1)王医院内科,2)株式会社ピカッシュ,3)大阪歯科大学 歯科医学教育開発室
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):748-752
A Report in Improving Liver Function with Zinc Replacement Therapy for a Patient with Fatty Liver Disease: Trial of Combined Use of Polaprezinc and Functional Food "Daichi No MegumiⓇ"
Lung-San WANG 1),Shosei TAKAHASHI 2),Pao-Li WANG 3)
1)OH clinic, Internal Medicine,2)Pikasshu Co.,3)Department of Development of Dental Education, Osaka Dental University
The case was a 39-year-old man, fat on ALT (GPT) 87 IU/L and AST (GOT) 59 IU/L in a medical examination on June 11, 2015, due to suspected liver dysfunction, and abdominal ultrasonography (abdominal echocardiography) , it was judged as liver. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) was diagnosed as chronic liver dysfunction without non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Oral administration of zinc replacement therapy "Polaprezinc Granule" (75 mg two times a day after meals and at bedtime) and nutritional functional food "Daichi no MegumiⓇ"( 3 tablets once a day at bedtime ) combined therapy improved liver function abnormalities. Herby, we will report it with a literature review.
Key words: fatty liver, liver disease, zinc replacement therapy, functional nutrition food
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):748-752
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):748-752
A Report in Improving Liver Function with Zinc Replacement Therapy for a Patient with Fatty Liver Disease: Trial of Combined Use of Polaprezinc and Functional Food "Daichi No MegumiⓇ"
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診療と新薬 2019;56(10):753-762
金子剛 1),白川太郎 2),後藤健一 3)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):753-762
Effect of Weight Reduction and Ameliorating Bowel Movement by Kombucha
Takeshi KANEKO 1), Taro SHIRAKAWA 2), Kenichi GOTO 3)
1)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Kisaragi-souken-clinic,3)UNIVA Fusion Limited
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診療と新薬 2019;56(10):763-768
金子剛 1),宮田晃史 2),児玉朗 3)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):763-768
Effects on Facial Sagging and Nasolabial Fold when Using Cosmetic Serum and Facial Massage
Takeshi KANEKO 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2),Akira KODAMA 3)
1)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)Beverly Glen Laboratories, inc.
診療と新薬 2019;56(10):763-768
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(10):763-768
Effects on Facial Sagging and Nasolabial Fold when Using Cosmetic Serum and Facial Massage