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診療と新薬 2022;59(5):225-240
インスリン グラルギンBS注キット「FFP」の安全性および有効性の検討:特定使用成績調査(長期使用に関する調査)
田中悦子 1),横井愛子 1),大坂一義 1),久志本理 1),綿田裕孝 2)
1)富士フイルム富山化学株式会社 信頼性保証本部 安全性情報部,2)順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 代謝内分泌内科学
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):225-240
Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Insulin Glargine BS Injection Kit「FFP」in Japan: Post-Marketing Surveillance Study on Long-Term use
Etsuko TANAKA 1),Aiko YOKOI 1),Kazuyoshi OSAKA 1),Satoru KUSHIMOTO 1),Hirotaka WATADA 2)
1)Safety Management Dept. Quality, Safety Management & Regulatory Affairs Div. FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical Co.,Ltd.,2)Department of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):225-240
インスリン グラルギンBS注キット「FFP」の安全性および有効性の検討:特定使用成績調査(長期使用に関する調査)
田中悦子 1),横井愛子 1),大坂一義 1),久志本理 1),綿田裕孝 2)
1)富士フイルム富山化学株式会社 信頼性保証本部 安全性情報部,2)順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 代謝内分泌内科学
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):225-240
Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Insulin Glargine BS Injection Kit「FFP」in Japan: Post-Marketing Surveillance Study on Long-Term use
Etsuko TANAKA 1),Aiko YOKOI 1),Kazuyoshi OSAKA 1),Satoru KUSHIMOTO 1),Hirotaka WATADA 2)
1)Safety Management Dept. Quality, Safety Management & Regulatory Affairs Div. FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical Co.,Ltd.,2)Department of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
目的:インスリン療法が適応となる糖尿病患者を対象に,使用実態下においてインスリン グラルギンBS注キット「FFP」の長期使用時の安全性および有効性を検討することを目的として特定使用成績調査を実施した。
Key words:インスリン グラルギン,バイオ後続品,長期使用,特定使用成績調査
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):225-240
インスリン グラルギンBS注キット「FFP」の安全性および有効性の検討:特定使用成績調査(長期使用に関する調査)
田中悦子 1),横井愛子 1),大坂一義 1),久志本理 1),綿田裕孝 2)
1)富士フイルム富山化学株式会社 信頼性保証本部 安全性情報部,2)順天堂大学大学院医学研究科 代謝内分泌内科学
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):225-240
Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Insulin Glargine BS Injection Kit「FFP」in Japan: Post-Marketing Surveillance Study on Long-Term use
Etsuko TANAKA 1),Aiko YOKOI 1),Kazuyoshi OSAKA 1),Satoru KUSHIMOTO 1),Hirotaka WATADA 2)
1)Safety Management Dept. Quality, Safety Management & Regulatory Affairs Div. FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical Co.,Ltd.,2)Department of Metabolism and Endocrinology, Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
Objective: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of Insulin Glargine BS Injection Kit「FFP」, which is a biosimilar, in diabetic patients who are indicated for insulin therapy, we conducted post-marketing surveillance in Japan.
Methods: From January 2017 to January 2020, Diabetics Patients who had not previously used this drug and were indicated for insulin therapy, were enrolled by the central registration method. The observation period was at least 12 months (52 weeks).
Results: The safety analysis set consisted of 368 patients and the effectiveness analysis set consisted of 363 patients. In the safety analysis set, the incidence of adverse drug reactions was 11.1%, adverse drug reactions occurred in 2 patients over were only for hypoglycemia (10.1%). There was no significant difference by type of diabetes mellitus (types 1 and 2). HbA1c, which is the primary efficacy endpoint, did not change from pre-to on-treatment in type 1, and decreased significantly during ontreatment from pre-treatment in type 2. There was one case of a defect in the machinery/equipment part as "dose adjustment dial does not turn", but there was no health hazard due to it.
Conclusions: Although head-to-head comparisons could not be made, the findings of this survey suggest that the safety and effectiveness of Insulin Glargine BS Injection Kit「FFP」retains equivalent/ homogenous with the reference biopharmaceuticals, and thus were able to confirm the usefulness of this drug as a biosimilar of diabetes drug.
Key words: insulin glargine, biosimilar, long-term use, post-marketing surveillance study
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):225-240
インスリン グラルギンBS注キット「FFP」の安全性および有効性の検討:特定使用成績調査(長期使用に関する調査)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):225-240
Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Insulin Glargine BS Injection Kit「FFP」in Japan: Post-Marketing Surveillance Study on Long-Term use
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診療と新薬 2022;59(5):241-251
医療法人健清会 那珂記念クリニック
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):241-251
The Changes From First Visit in Dietary Intake and the Beneficial Effects of Personalized Nutrition Advice Based on Dietary Assessment in Treatment-NAïve Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Takeshi OSONOI,Satako DOUGUCHI,Natsumi KUGA,Yuka YOKOTA,Haruna TOBITA,Kensuke OFUCHI,Miyoko SAITO,Makoto KATOH
Naka Kinen Clinic
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):241-251
医療法人健清会 那珂記念クリニック
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):241-251
The Changes From First Visit in Dietary Intake and the Beneficial Effects of Personalized Nutrition Advice Based on Dietary Assessment in Treatment-NAïve Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
Takeshi OSONOI,Satako DOUGUCHI,Natsumi KUGA,Yuka YOKOTA,Haruna TOBITA,Kensuke OFUCHI,Miyoko SAITO,Makoto KATOH
Naka Kinen Clinic
背景:2型糖尿病患者の食事の自己管理状況を把握することは,患者個々に適切な食事指導を実施するために重要である。本研究は,新規2型糖尿病患者において,食物摂取頻度調査(Food Frequency Questionnaire; FFQ)を実施し,来院初期の基本的な食事指導による栄養素摂取量の変化とFFQ評価に基づく個別の食事指導による有用性を検討した。
方法:2021年2月~7月までに当院で新規に2型糖尿病と診断された患者13例について,初診時から約6カ月後までの栄養素等摂取量をFFQにより評価した。また対象患者のHbA1c,Body mass index(BMI),総エネルギー摂取量ならびに三大栄養素(蛋白質,脂質,炭水化物:PFC)摂取量・エネルギー比率の変化を後方視的に解析した。
結果:新規2型糖尿病患者の背景は,年齢が比較的若く(50.2±11.6歳),HbA1cおよびBMIがいずれも高値(それぞれ10.7±1.1%および27.1±4.7 kg/m2)であった。HbA1cおよびBMIは来院約1カ月後に有意な減少(それぞれ8.4±1.1%および26.2±4.1 kg/m2)を示した。一方,初診時のやや過剰であった総エネルギー摂取量は,基本的な食事指導後に過度に減少し(2153.9±644.3⇒1248.0±363.0 kcal),PFCエネルギー比率(%)のバランスが悪化(Fの増加,Cの減少)した(P:14.8,F:31.4,C:53.9⇒P:18.3,F:32.7,C:49.0)。また穀類や動物性蛋白質,飽和脂肪酸のエネルギー比率の推移には男女で差異がみられ,男性は動物性蛋白質や飽和脂肪酸を,女性は穀類をより制限する方向性がみられた。FFQ評価に基づき,来院約1カ月後より個別に食事指導を実施した結果,減少した総エネルギー摂取量は適正化(1827.1±355.7 kcal)し,栄養素エネルギー比率の男女差や個人差が縮小され,特に炭水化物エネルギー比率(P:15.1,F:31.0,C:53.9)が改善された。さらに個別指導後,HbA1cは有意に減少し,BMIは減少方向であった(それぞれ6.5±0.6%および25.6±3.8 kg/m2)。
Key words:新患,食物摂取頻度調査,個別化,食事療法,総エネルギー摂取量,炭水化物摂取量,2型糖尿病
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):241-251
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):241-251
The Changes From First Visit in Dietary Intake and the Beneficial Effects of Personalized Nutrition Advice Based on Dietary Assessment in Treatment-NAïve Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
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診療と新薬 2022;59(5):253-259
金子剛 1),宮田晃史 2)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):253-259
Improvement Effects on Scalp and Hair by Medicated Hair Restorer Containing 5 Kinds of Active Ingredients
Takeshi KANEKO 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2)
1)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):253-259
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):253-259
Improvement Effects on Scalp and Hair by Medicated Hair Restorer Containing 5 Kinds of Active Ingredients
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診療と新薬 2022;59(5):261-266
金子剛 1),宮田晃史 2),千葉由佳 3)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):261-266
Anti-wrinkle Effect by Pure Vitamin C Whitening Serum
Takeshi KANEKO 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2),Yuka CHIBA 3)
1)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)Yunth Inc.
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診療と新薬 2022;59(5):267-274
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),安次富勝博 2)3),嘉手川豪心 2)4),川原和也 5),竹田竜嗣 6)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,4)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,5)川原腎泌尿器科クリニック,6)関西福祉科学大学 健康福祉学部 福祉栄養学科
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):267-274
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of the High Purity Nobiletin Powder and Glycine Mixture (Nobiletin Aminoplus) For Urine Storage Disorders
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2),Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)3),Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)4),Kazuya KAWAHARA 5),Ryuji TAKEDA 6)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights' Laboratory, Co., Ltd. ,3)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,4)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,5)Kawahara Urologic Clinic,6)Department of Nourish, Faculty of Health welfare, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):267-274
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),安次富勝博 2)3),嘉手川豪心 2)4),川原和也 5),竹田竜嗣 6)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,4)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,5)川原腎泌尿器科クリニック,6)関西福祉科学大学 健康福祉学部 福祉栄養学科
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):267-274
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of the High Purity Nobiletin Powder and Glycine Mixture (Nobiletin Aminoplus) For Urine Storage Disorders
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2),Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)3),Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)4),Kazuya KAWAHARA 5),Ryuji TAKEDA 6)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights' Laboratory, Co., Ltd. ,3)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,4)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,5)Kawahara Urologic Clinic,6)Department of Nourish, Faculty of Health welfare, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
目的:蓄尿障害に対するノビレチン高純度粉末(ノビレックスⓇPMF90)50 mgとグリシン3 gの混合物であるノビレチンアミノプラスⓇ1日1包8週間摂取の有効性と安全性を二重盲検のランダム化並行群間比較試験で検討した。
方法:蓄尿に関する悩みが2カ月以上前からある未治療の健常者で,それに多少なりとも困っている40歳以上の男女のボランティアを対象とした。被験者を試験品群とプラセボ群に分け,試験品群にはノビレチンアミノプラスⓇ1日1包を,プラセボ群にはブドウ糖3 g 1日1包を朝に8週間の摂取とした。摂取前,摂取4週後と8週後に身体検査,排尿・蓄尿関連やQOLレベルに関する各種問診票を記載してもらい,摂取前後と群間で比較した。
Key words: ノビレチン,グリシン,ノビレチンアミノプラス,蓄尿障害,下部尿路症状
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):267-274
菅谷公男 1)2),西島さおり 2),安次富勝博 2)3),嘉手川豪心 2)4),川原和也 5),竹田竜嗣 6)
1)北上中央病院 泌尿器科,2)株式会社サザンナイトラボラトリー,3)あしとみ泌尿器科クリニック,4)沖縄協同病院 泌尿器科,5)川原腎泌尿器科クリニック,6)関西福祉科学大学 健康福祉学部 福祉栄養学科
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):267-274
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of the High Purity Nobiletin Powder and Glycine Mixture (Nobiletin Aminoplus) For Urine Storage Disorders
Kimio SUGAYA 1)2),Saori NISHIJIMA 2),Katsuhiro ASHITOMI 2)3),Katsumi KADEKAWA 2)4),Kazuya KAWAHARA 5),Ryuji TAKEDA 6)
1)Department of Urology, Kitakami Central Hospital,2)Southern Knights' Laboratory, Co., Ltd. ,3)Ashitomi Urologic Clinic,4)Department of Urology, Okinawa Kyodo Hospital,5)Kawahara Urologic Clinic,6)Department of Nourish, Faculty of Health welfare, Kansai University of Welfare Sciences
Objective: A double blind, randomized, parallel-group controlled study was performed to examine the efficacy and safety of Nobiletin aminoplus®, a mixture of 50 mg of high purity nobiletin powder (Nobilex® PMF90) and 3 g of glycine, for urine storage disorders.
Method: The subjects were male and female untreated volunteers aged 40 and over who had been suffering from urinary storage disorders for more than 2 months and feel in some trouble. The subjects were divided into a test product group and a placebo group, and the test product group was ingested with Nobiletin aminoplus® 1 packet daily for 8 weeks. The subjects were subjected to physical examinations and were asked to fill in various questionnaires regarding urine voiding / urine collecting-related and QOL levels, before, 4 and 8 weeks after ingestion.
Results: The test product group consisted of 30 persons (13 males, 17 females, age 55.3 ±8.4 years) and the placebo group consisted of 29 (14 males, 15 females, age 58.9 ± 13.1 years). No survey items were significantly different between the two groups prior to ingestion. In both groups, improvement was seen in many questionnaire items after ingestion compared to before ingestion. There were significant differences between the groups, in "improvement by subject's impression (GSA)" after 4 and 8 weeks, "night urination frequency (actual number)" after 8 weeks, overactive bladder symptom score (OABSS) "night urination" after 8 weeks, and international prostate symptom Score (IPSS)" night urination" after 8 weeks. Regarding these items, the test product group was significantly improved from the placebo group. In one case, there was a slight discomfort after ingestion of the test product as an adverse event.
Conclusion: The efficacy and safety of Nobiletin aminoplus® for urine storage disorders were confirmed.
Key words: nobiletin,glycine,nobiletin amino plus,urine storage disorders,lower urinary tract symptoms
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):267-274
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):267-274
Clinical Study on Efficacy and Safety of the High Purity Nobiletin Powder and Glycine Mixture (Nobiletin Aminoplus) For Urine Storage Disorders
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診療と新薬 2022;59(5):275-281
植松史帆 1),竹田竜嗣 2)
1)ピジョンホームプロダクツ株式会社,2)関西福祉科学大学 健康福祉学部福祉栄養学科
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):275-281
Verification of the Effect of Cosmetics Containing Sagarame Extract and Mandarin Orange Peel Extract on Filaggrin Protein Production
Shiho UEMATSU 1),Ryuji TAKEDA 2)
1)Pigeon Home Products Corporation,2)Kansai University of Welfare Sciences Department of Nutritional Sciences for Well-being, Faculty of Health Sciences for Welfare
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):275-281
植松史帆 1),竹田竜嗣 2)
1)ピジョンホームプロダクツ株式会社,2)関西福祉科学大学 健康福祉学部福祉栄養学科
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):275-281
Verification of the Effect of Cosmetics Containing Sagarame Extract and Mandarin Orange Peel Extract on Filaggrin Protein Production
Shiho UEMATSU 1),Ryuji TAKEDA 2)
1)Pigeon Home Products Corporation,2)Kansai University of Welfare Sciences Department of Nutritional Sciences for Well-being, Faculty of Health Sciences for Welfare
Key words:フィラグリン,皮膚バリア機能,サガラメエキス,マンダリンオレンジ果皮エキス,アレルギーマーチ
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):275-281
植松史帆 1),竹田竜嗣 2)
1)ピジョンホームプロダクツ株式会社,2)関西福祉科学大学 健康福祉学部福祉栄養学科
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):275-281
Verification of the Effect of Cosmetics Containing Sagarame Extract and Mandarin Orange Peel Extract on Filaggrin Protein Production
Shiho UEMATSU 1),Ryuji TAKEDA 2)
1)Pigeon Home Products Corporation,2)Kansai University of Welfare Sciences Department of Nutritional Sciences for Well-being, Faculty of Health Sciences for Welfare
Filaggrin is known as a protein in the stratum corneum that plays an important role in the skin barrier function. We have confirmed that sagarame extract and mandarin orange peel extract promote filaggrin gene expression. In this study identified the effect of each test article, i.e., Sagarame and mandarin orange peel extracts, either alone or in combination, on filaggrin protein expression using a three-dimensional cultured skin model by dot blotting method. In addition, these extracts were also added to the lotion and cream products and compared to the products without both extracts. As a result, addition of the sagarame extract increased the amount of filaggrin protein compared with the control after 72h. A significant increase in the amount of filaggrin was also observed in the mixture of the combination of sagarame extract and mandarin orange peel extract. Furthermore, significant effects were also observed in the lotion and cream products containing the combination both extracts. On the other hand, there was no significant difference in the products without neither extracts compared to the control. These results indicate that products containing both extracts not only have the moisturizing effect, but also support maintain the moisturizing effect and barrier function by increasing filaggrin protein. It is suggested that the promotion of filaggrin protein expression can be expected to inhibit the onset of atopic dermatitis (AD) and allergic march. Although we need further studies on human, the products containing both extracts are expected to be effective skin care products for not only infants but also other people with immature barrier functions.
Key words: Filaggrin, skin barrier function, sagarame (Eisenia arborea) extract, mandarin orange peel extract, allergy march
診療と新薬 2022;59(5):275-281
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2022;59(5):275-281
Verification of the Effect of Cosmetics Containing Sagarame Extract and Mandarin Orange Peel Extract on Filaggrin Protein Production