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診療と新薬 2024;61(6):337-347


東京医科大学 形成外科学分野 主任教授

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(6):337-347

診療と新薬 2024;61(6):337-347


東京医科大学 形成外科学分野 主任教授

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(6):337-347

多血小板血漿療法(Platelet-Rich Plasma:PRP療法)は血小板に含まれる各種成長因子の作用により,創傷治癒を促進させる治療である。PRP療法には,PRPにトロンビン,塩化カルシウムを添加することで,血小板から成長因子を強制的に放出させ,高濃度の成長因子を作用させる「活性化PRP」療法と,薬剤による活性化を行わない「非活性化PRP」療法があるが,難治性皮膚潰瘍に対する両者の臨床効果の比較研究は十分に行われていない。本報告では,日本で糖尿病性潰瘍に適応可能なPRP療法の臨床試験成績を基に,活性化PRPと非活性化PRPの臨床効果の比較を行った。結果として,活性化PRPは非活性化PRPに比べて治癒率が高く,治癒に至る期間は短かった。糖尿病性潰瘍は感染による重症化により,下肢切断に至る可能性があるため,速やかな潰瘍の上皮化が必要であることから,薬剤により活性化したPRPを用いたPRP療法は糖尿病性潰瘍に対する有用な治療選択肢と考えられる。

診療と新薬 2024;61(6):337-347



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診療と新薬 2024;61(6):349-357



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(6):349-357

A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Facial Cleanser(Effaclar H Iso-Biome CleansersⓇ)for Japanese Women Undergoing Acne Treatment

1)Igarashi Dermatology Clinic Higashi Gotanda,2) Medical Corporation Kojinkai,3)Nihon L'Oréal K.K.

診療と新薬 2024;61(6):349-357



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(6):349-357

A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Facial Cleanser(Effaclar H Iso-Biome CleansersⓇ)for Japanese Women Undergoing Acne Treatment

1)Igarashi Dermatology Clinic Higashi Gotanda,2) Medical Corporation Kojinkai,3)Nihon L'Oréal K.K.

結果:被験者43人の平均年齢は25.3歳であり,痤瘡治療のために使用している外用処方薬はオゼノキサシンおよび過酸化ベンゾイルが最も多く,それぞれ18人が使用していた。有害事象は乾燥,落屑,皮むけ,膿疱,かゆみおよび裂傷の6事象が14件認められたが,本洗顔料との因果関係は14件中の7件が関連なし,7件がおそらく関連なしと判断され,本洗顔料との因果関係がある副作用発現は認められなかった。医師所見では,紅斑の平均スコアは本洗顔料の開始前と比較して1,4および8週後に有意な改善が認められ,落屑/鱗屑および乾燥の平均スコアは有意な推移が認められなかった。また,炎症性皮疹と非炎症性皮疹を合わせた総皮疹の平均個数推移は,本洗顔料の使用期間中に有意な変化は認められなかった。被験者の自覚症状のスコア評価において,かゆみ,つっぱり感およびヒリヒリ感・ほてりの平均スコアが本洗顔料の使用開始前と比較して1,4および8週後に有意に改善し,毛穴およびCardiff Acne Disability Indexのスコア評価でも,4および8週後に有意な改善が認められた。


診療と新薬 2024;61(6):349-357



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(6):349-357

A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Facial Cleanser(Effaclar H Iso-Biome CleansersⓇ)for Japanese Women Undergoing Acne Treatment

1)Igarashi Dermatology Clinic Higashi Gotanda,2) Medical Corporation Kojinkai,3)Nihon L'Oréal K.K.

Objective: The open-label study was conducted to determine the safety of Effaclar H Iso-biome CleansersⓇ (hereafter referred to as the cleanser) when used for 8 weeks.
Methods: Japanese women aged 16 to 39 undergoing acne treatment with topical prescription medications for more than 4 weeks were selected as the subjects. Subjects washed their faces with the cleanser, followed by their daily skincare routine after the face wash twice a day (morning and evening) for 8 weeks. During the period of the cleanser use, subjects kept a daily diary reporting whether they used the cleanser and their subjective symptoms. At screening, before the cleanser use (baseline), and 1, 4, and 8 weeks after the cleanser use, physician’s examinations were conducted.
Results: The mean age of 43 subjects was 25.3 years. Ozenoxacin and benzoyl peroxide were the most common topical prescription drugs used for their acne treatments, and these drugs were used by 18 subjects. A total of 14 adverse events of dryness, desquamation, peeling, pustule, itching, and laceration were reported. Seven of the 14 events were judged to be not related, and probably not related to the cleanser use, respectively, and therefore no adverse drug reaction causally related to the cleanser use was reported in this study. In the physician's examination, the mean scores for erythema improved significantly at 1, 4, and 8 weeks after the cleanser use compared to baseline, and the mean score for desquamation/scaling and dryness showed no significant change. The mean number of total acne (inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne) did not change significantly during the period of the cleanser use. In the subject-reported symptom scores, itching, tightness, and burning/sensation significantly improved at 1, 4, and 8 weeks after the cleanser use compared to baseline, and the scores for pores and Cardiff Acne Disability Index score were both significantly improved after the 4 and 8 weeks.
Conclusion: From the study findings, the use of the cleanser twice a day for 8 weeks is likely to be safe for Japanese women undergoing treatment for acne. The results also suggest that the cleanser have no excessive cleansing effect and improve pore occlusion and the patient’s QOL.

Key words: Effaclar H Iso-biome CleanserⓇ, Cleanser, Acne vulgaris, Japanese women, safety evaluation

診療と新薬 2024;61(6):349-357


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2024;61(6):349-357

A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Facial Cleanser(Effaclar H Iso-Biome CleansersⓇ)for Japanese Women Undergoing Acne Treatment


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