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診療と新薬 2021;58(12):865-872


西新宿きさらぎクリニック 内科・消化器内科

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(12):865-872

Efficacy of Elobixibat on Defecation Desire in Patients with Chronic Constipation: A Single Center, Retrospective, Observational Study

Nishi-Shinjyuku Kisaragi Clinic Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology

診療と新薬 2021;58(12):865-872


西新宿きさらぎクリニック 内科・消化器内科

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(12):865-872

Efficacy of Elobixibat on Defecation Desire in Patients with Chronic Constipation: A Single Center, Retrospective, Observational Study

Nishi-Shinjyuku Kisaragi Clinic Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology

便秘症患者では排便回数が減少するほか,便意が消失することが示されており,便意の消失はQOLと関連することが知られている。胆汁酸トランスポーター阻害剤であるエロビキシバットは大腸内に流入する胆汁酸の増加を介して便意を誘発する可能性がある。本研究では慢性便秘症と診断されてエロビキシバットが投与された患者を後方視的に評価し,エロビキシバットが便意に与える影響を検討した。解析対象となった80例における便意ありの割合はエロビキシバット投与前27.5%に対して投与2週後76.3%(p<0.001),6週後97.0%(p<0.001)と有意に増加し,10週後では100%であった。週あたりの排便回数は投与前の2.03回と比較して投与2週後(3.76回,p<0.001)および6週後(4.70回,p<0.001)において有意な増加がみられた。治療満足度は投与2週後では63.8%,6週後では83.9%,10 週後では95.7%と高い値で推移した。本研究により,エロビキシバットが慢性便秘症患者において排便関連症状の改善のみならず,便意の回復に寄与し,患者の治療満足度向上に貢献する可能性が示唆された。


診療と新薬 2021;58(12):865-872


西新宿きさらぎクリニック 内科・消化器内科

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(12):865-872

Efficacy of Elobixibat on Defecation Desire in Patients with Chronic Constipation: A Single Center, Retrospective, Observational Study

Nishi-Shinjyuku Kisaragi Clinic Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology

Patients with constipation have decreased stool frequency and loss of defecation desire. Elobixibat, a bile acid transporter inhibitor, may induce defecation desire by increasing the amount of bile acid that flows into the large intestine. This study aimed to assess the effect of elobixibat on defecation desire in patients with chronic constipation. We retrospectively evaluated the data of patients who were diagnosed with chronic constipation and were administered elobixibat. Defecation desire and defecation-related symptoms were compared before and after administration of elobixibat in 80 patients who were included in the analysis. The percentage of patients having defecation desire was 27.5% before the start of treatment, 76.3% at Week 2 (p < 0.001), 97.0% at Week 6 (p < 0.001), and 100% at Week 10. The weekly stool frequency showed a significant increase at Week 2 (3.76 times/ week, p < 0.001) and Week 6 (4.70 times/week, p < 0.001) compared with before the start of study treatment (2.03 times/week). Treatment satisfaction was 63.8% at Week 2, 83.9% at Week 6, and 95.7% at Week 10. The results of this study suggest that in patients with chronic constipation, elobixibat may not only improve defecation-related symptoms, but also contribute to the recovery of defecation desire and the improvement of patient satisfaction with treatment.

Keywords: chronic constipation, elobixibat, defecation desire, bile acid

診療と新薬 2021;58(12):865-872


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(12):865-872

Efficacy of Elobixibat on Defecation Desire in Patients with Chronic Constipation: A Single Center, Retrospective, Observational Study


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診療と新薬 2021;58(12):873-879


1)日本臨床試験協会(JACTA),2)日本橋エムズクリニック,3)株式会社PBJ グループ

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(12):873-879

Evaluation of Hair Growth Effect by Taking Health Food with Massage

1)JACTA (Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)PBJ GROUP, LTD.

診療と新薬 2021;58(12):873-879


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2021;58(12):873-879

Evaluation of Hair Growth Effect by Taking Health Food with Massage


PDF:323 KB

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