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診療と新薬 2019;56(11):809-820


医療法人健清会 那珂記念クリニック

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):809-820

Secular Changes in the Diabetic Patient Profile and the Prevalence of Diabetic Kidney Disease from 2008 to 2018

Naka Kinen Clinic

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):809-820


医療法人健清会 那珂記念クリニック

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):809-820

Secular Changes in the Diabetic Patient Profile and the Prevalence of Diabetic Kidney Disease from 2008 to 2018

Naka Kinen Clinic

方法:2008年1月~2018年12月までに当院を受診し,1型もしくは2型糖尿病と診断された患者のHbA1c,Body mass index(BMI)を月次および年次毎にまとめ,季節変動および年次推移を検討した。また,2008年,2012年,2017年の患者の推算糸球体濾過量(eGFR)および尿アルブミン/尿クレアチニン比(UACR)を慢性腎臓病の重症度分類を基に層別して糖尿病性腎臓病(DKD)の有病率を算出するとともに,経年変化を検討した。

Key words:糖尿病性腎臓病,経年変化,季節変動,HbA1c,BMI,eGFR,UACR

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):809-820


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):809-820

Secular Changes in the Diabetic Patient Profile and the Prevalence of Diabetic Kidney Disease from 2008 to 2018


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診療と新薬 2019;56(11):821-825



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):821-825

The Effects of 2 Weeks Short-Term Administration of Vibegron(BeovaⓇ)on OAB Patients

Department of Urology, Beppu Nakamura Hospital

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):821-825



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):821-825

The Effects of 2 Weeks Short-Term Administration of Vibegron(BeovaⓇ)on OAB Patients

Department of Urology, Beppu Nakamura Hospital

The effects of 2 weeks short-term administration of Vibegron(Beova®), a novel beta 3 agonist, were investigated in 43 Japanese patients with overactive bladder(OAB). After Vibegron administration, OAB symptom score(OABSS), international prostate symptom score(IPSS)and IPSS-QOL score showed significant improvements in Vibegron alone subgroup, antimuscarinics combination subgroup and all patients. In addition, 82.6% of OAB-Wet patients were completely cured and nocturia was significantly improved. From these results, it is suggested that Vibegron shows early therapeutic effects in clinical practice.

Key Words: Over Active Bladder(OAB), Vibegron

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):821-825


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):821-825

The Effects of 2 Weeks Short-Term Administration of Vibegron(BeovaⓇ)on OAB Patients


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診療と新薬 2019;56(11):826-835


株式会社林原 研究部門

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):826-835

Polarization and Roles of Mouse Splenic Macrophages in the Recovery Phase of Iron Deficiency Anemia

R&D Division, Hayashibara Co., Ltd.

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):826-835


株式会社林原 研究部門

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):826-835

Polarization and Roles of Mouse Splenic Macrophages in the Recovery Phase of Iron Deficiency Anemia

R&D Division, Hayashibara Co., Ltd.

結果:NDへの切替えにより,LID群‐対照群のヘモグロビン値は徐々に増加したが,2週間では完全には回復しなかった。このときNK-4(500μg/kg/day)の経口投与により,ヘモグロビン値は増加し,ND群と同等まで回復した。貧血回復期に,脾臓マクロファージ(F4/80+)に占める赤脾髄マクロファージ(F4/80 hi,VCAM1+,CD11b lo)および抗炎症型マクロファージ(M2;F4/80+,CD206+)様細胞は増加し,さらにNK-4投与によりM2の増加は顕著に亢進した。


診療と新薬 2019;56(11):826-835


株式会社林原 研究部門

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):826-835

Polarization and Roles of Mouse Splenic Macrophages in the Recovery Phase of Iron Deficiency Anemia

R&D Division, Hayashibara Co., Ltd.

Objectives: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the polarization and the roles of macrophages during the recovery phase of iron deficiency anemia in mice. In addition, the effect of NK-4, which is known to activate reticuloendothelial macrophages, was examined on the recovery from iron deficiency anemia.
Methods: Four-week-old female BALB/c mice were given low iron diet(LID) for 8 weeks to induce the appearance of microcytic hypochromic erythrocytes, which is a feature of low iron deficiency anemia. Then, they were given normal diet(ND) for two weeks to recover from anemia. Some mice were orally administered NK-4 (100 or 500μg/kg/day) during the recovery phase. After 10 weeks, they were hematologically and histopathologically examined. The population of splenic macrophages were analyzed by flow cytometry.
Results: The hemoglobin levels in the LID(control)group were gradually increased after switching to ND, but they did not reach the levels of ND group of mice in two weeks. Administration of NK-4(500μg/kg/day)promoted the increase in the hemoglobin levels, and finally the levels were recovered to comparable levels of the ND group of mice. Both the ratios of red pulp macrophages (F4/80 hi, VCAM1+, CD11b lo) and alternatively activated macrophages(M2; F4/80+, CD206+)to the total splenic macrophages (F4/80+) were increased in every group of mice during the anemia recovery phase. Especially, the increase in the population of M2 macrophages was significantly promoted by NK-4 administration.
Conclusion: We found that the increase in the M2 macrophage population contributed to recovery from iron deficiency anemia. Furthermore, our study indicated that NK-4 promoted the recovery from anemia through increasing the M2 macrophage population.

Key Words: Iron deficiency anemia, Macrophage, M2, Hemoglobin, NK-4

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):826-835


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):826-835

Polarization and Roles of Mouse Splenic Macrophages in the Recovery Phase of Iron Deficiency Anemia


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診療と新薬 2019;56(11):836-842



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):836-842

Effect on Hair and Scalp by Hair Restorer Containing Algas-3(Three Kinds of Seaweed Ingredients)

1)JACTA(Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):836-842


Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):836-842

Effect on Hair and Scalp by Hair Restorer Containing Algas-3(Three Kinds of Seaweed Ingredients)


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診療と新薬 2019;56(11):843-856


1)医療法人沖縄徳洲会静岡徳洲会病院 内科,2)ICHG研究会,3)成田赤十字病院検査部,4)兵庫県立こども病院 感染症内科,5)日本赤十字社長崎原爆病院 感染制御室,6)社会医療法人頌徳会日野クリニック,7)長浜バイオ大学フロンティアバイオサイエンス学科・臨床検査学コース,8)医療法人育和会育和会記念病院 医療安全管理室,9)ICHG研究会,10)京都府立医科大学 臨床検査部・感染対策部,11)国立病院機構富山病院小児科・院長,12)有限会社由良薬局,株式会社ポポロ,13)ICHG研究会

Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):843-856

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):843-856




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診療と新薬 2019;56(11):857-860



Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2019;56(11):857-860

診療と新薬 2019;56(11):857-860



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