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診療と新薬 2016;53(8):645-647
【記事広告】対談 ■ 基礎インスリン製剤の新しい治療戦略/アンメットメディカルニーズに応えるインスリン治療を考える
洪尚樹 1),福田正博 2)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):645-647
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診療と新薬 2016;53(8):649-666
循環器疾患診療における心拍数へのアプローチ─「第37回 冠不全研究会」アンケート調査結果から ─
石川辰雄 1),長村好章 2),大林完二 3)
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):649-666
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診療と新薬 2016;53(8):667-669
西条中央病院 糖尿病内科 健康管理センター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):667-669
A Case of Type 2 Diabetes Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control and Insulin Free Condtion by Switching from Daily to Weekly Administration of Both Dpp4-inhibitor and Glp-1 Analogue Under Control of Dyalitic Staff Alone
Department of Diabetology, Saijo Central Hospital
診療と新薬 2016;53(8):667-669
西条中央病院 糖尿病内科 健康管理センター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):667-669
A Case of Type 2 Diabetes Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control and Insulin Free Condtion by Switching from Daily to Weekly Administration of Both Dpp4-inhibitor and Glp-1 Analogue Under Control of Dyalitic Staff Alone
Department of Diabetology, Saijo Central Hospital
インクレチン製剤であるDPP4阻害剤,GLP-1製剤の週1回投与が可能な製剤が登場したことから,透析スタッフによる週1回の透析受診時の管理下で,アログリプチン6.25 mgの連日投与をオマリグリプチン12.5 mg 週1回内服へ,リラグルチド0.9 mg連日投与をデュラグルチド0.75 mg週1回皮下注射へと,両剤とも同時にweekly製剤に切り替えた。患者本人はボグリボース0.9 mgの連日内服管理のみとした。その結果,切り替え後3週でインスリン アスパルトから離脱でき,1カ月後にはG.A.(グリコアルブミン)の低下も得られた。患者本人の負担は低血糖リスクの少ない抗糖尿病剤のみの加療となったことで,心身ともに大きく改善された。weekly製剤のDPP4阻害剤,GLP-1製剤を積極的に併用することで,社会的サポートも容易となり,今後の高齢化社会に大きく貢献する可能性が大と考えている。
Key word:DPP4阻害剤,GLP-1製剤,weekly製剤,透析,患者負担軽減,2型糖尿病
診療と新薬 2016;53(8):667-669
西条中央病院 糖尿病内科 健康管理センター
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):667-669
A Case of Type 2 Diabetes Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control and Insulin Free Condtion by Switching from Daily to Weekly Administration of Both Dpp4-inhibitor and Glp-1 Analogue Under Control of Dyalitic Staff Alone
Department of Diabetology, Saijo Central Hospital
DPP4 inhibitors and GLP-1 agents have been administered to a number of type 2 diabetes patients,but weekly administrations of incretins have not been much done. For patients with renal failure who were administered once a day of Alogliptine 6.25 mg and Liraglutide 0.9 mg, we switched to weekly administration of Omarigliptin 1.25 mg and Dulaglutide 0.75 mg by co-medical staff alone. As a result, Insulin-Aspart free conditions and better glycemic control were obtained. This case suggests that, weekly administrations of incretins (DPP4 inhibitor and GLP-1) are more effective compared to once a day ones, in reductions of patient stress from therapy, good adherence of medications and better glycemic control in type 2 diabetes therapy.
Key word: weekly administration, DPP4 inhibitor, GLP-1, hemodialysis, stress free therapy, type 2 diabetes
診療と新薬 2016;53(8):667-669
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):667-669
A Case of Type 2 Diabetes Showed Improvement of Glycemic Control and Insulin Free Condtion by Switching from Daily to Weekly Administration of Both Dpp4-inhibitor and Glp-1 Analogue Under Control of Dyalitic Staff Alone
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診療と新薬 2016;53(8):671-677
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):671-677
Visceral Fat-reducing Effect of Supplement Containing Olive Leaf Extract (Oleavita) in Healthy Japanese ― A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study ―
Masatomo NAJIMA 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2),Hiroo KOJIMA 3)
1)JACTA (Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)twenty-four seven Inc.
診療と新薬 2016;53(8):671-677
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):671-677
Visceral Fat-reducing Effect of Supplement Containing Olive Leaf Extract (Oleavita) in Healthy Japanese ― A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study ―
Masatomo NAJIMA 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2),Hiroo KOJIMA 3)
1)JACTA (Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)twenty-four seven Inc.
Objectives: The objective of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of daily ingestion of a ME tablet, which contains olive leaf extract on BMI reduction and waist circumference reduction.
Methods: In this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial, 28 subjects were randomized. To evaluate this objective, visceral fat area and subcutaneous fat area were measured as the primary outcome. Weight, BMI, waist circumference and subjective reporting was also observed as the primary outcome.
Results: There was a significant difference in visceral fat area and BMI, and an improvement tendency in subcutaneous fat area and waist circumference compared to Placebo. In addition, sleeping quality showed significant difference with results from a questionnaire, in the intergroup comparison of 12-weeks of ingestion.
Conclusion: The present results suggest that daily ingestion of ME tablets containing olive leaf extract can reduce abdominal fat level, BMI and waist circumference.
Key Words: Olive leaf extract, obesity, BMI, abdominal fat
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):671-677
Visceral Fat-reducing Effect of Supplement Containing Olive Leaf Extract (Oleavita) in Healthy Japanese ― A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study ―
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診療と新薬 2016;53(8):678-682
小島裕久 1),宮田晃史 2),松田ナオミ 3)
1)一般財団法人 日本臨床試験協会(JACTA),2)日本橋エムズクリニック,3)株式会社ブルークレール
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):678-682
Effect of Organic-oriented Cream for Wrinkle and Skin Conditions
Hirohisa KOJIMA 1),Akinobu MIYATA 2),Naomi MATSUDA 3)
1)JACTA (Japan Clinical Trial Association),2)Nihonbashi M's Clinic,3)bleu clair CO.,LTD.
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診療と新薬 2016;53(8):683-701
金澤美弥子 1),橋口浩二 1),新井裕子 2),藤田直久 3),村山郁子 4),山之上弘樹 5),由良温宣 6),波多江新平 7)
1)日本赤十字社 長崎原爆病院 感染制御室,2)伊勢崎市民病院 医療安全管理室,3)京都府立医科大学付属病院 臨床検査部・感染対策部,4)医療法人へブロン会 大宮中央総合病院 特定健診科,5)医療法人沖縄徳洲会 静岡徳洲会病院 内科,6)ICHG研究会,7)ICHG研究会代表/京都府立医科大学客員講師
Shinryo to Shinyaku (Med Cons New-Remed)2016;53(8):683-701